Solutions for businesses


The purpose of our training is to teach managers straightforward techniques that minimize mistakes. Our vision is a School that helps managers and communicates with them in the world’s most widely-spoken languages.


Duration: 1.5 hours

Multiple studies confirm that most managerial mistakes occur on the lower level of management. This is no coincidence. To keep growing as a manager and proceed to a higher level of responsibility, you have to learn to delegate what you did at the previous level.

How can you delegate what you do better than anyone else on the team? What and how can you delegate without feeling ashamed of the result or regretting not doing it yourself?

The workshop addresses these questions and presents the delegation process and its common mistakes as straightforward schemes and tools:

The Snowflake Man, or four biggest delegation mistakes

Typical pains of non-delegating specialist aspiring to be a manager

Task transfer triangle

Seven delegation levels

Seven-step delegation algorithm and common mistakes

Five control types

Delegation traps: how responsibility for a task bounces back to the manager

Duration: 3 hours

Many managers and HR specialists have come to realize that all employees would benefit from honing their soft skills — that is, skills unrelated to their technical expertise. Most employees, especially engineers, aren’t always enthusiastic about it 🙂 but there’s a logic to it. Today’s business reality implies frequent and intensive communication with local and foreign colleagues, the management, and clients, which results in a constellation of challenging communication issues and tasks anyone would struggle to handle. The experience is not always painless and optimal.

People don’t do what you expect the way you expect them to or when they are supposed to. They have their own understanding of tasks, show little regard for deadlines, act confused when everything has been made 100% clear, and so on.

At the workshop, you will see how the vague concept of “soft skills” can be formalized into clear systems and schemes that A. work and B. can be easily reproduced when you need to explain them to your colleagues. The workshop is based on the constructive confrontation scheme suggested by Andrew Grove, a co-founder of Intel, and considerably enhanced by the founders of the Tetics Management School.

The workshop covers:

Four reasons why people don’t do something

Four constructive communication principles

Timeliness: attacking the past and living in “hero mode”

Four-phase algorithm for solving people problems

Two-step approach to preparing arguments for discussion

Discussion tactics: handling a deadlocked conversation

Point of agreement on an issue as a transition towards a solution

Solution registration options

Solution sustainability testing methods

Real-world use cases for the constructive confrontation algorithm

Real-world cases to be analyzed at the workshop:

1. Selling a feat.

2. Boosting a low-performer.

3. A client ignoring the new reporting system.

4. An employee coming late to morning briefings.

5. A tech leader verbally abusing a female employee.

6. What principles of constructiveness have been violated?” (smoking room situation)

7. “What principles of constructiveness have been violated?” (correspondence with a member of the adjacent team)

8. “What principles of constructiveness have been violated?” (an employee of yours writes to her peer)

9. “What principles of constructiveness have been violated?” (two managers in a meeting)

Duration: 1.5–2 hours

As Alistair Cockburn, one of the agile movement initiators, justly pointed out, people are “non-linear first-order components in software development.” They get passionate, then burn out. They show great enthusiasm and then change jobs.

However, even working with non-linear employees, managers have to deliver predictable, agreed-upon results to the customer. Importantly, one’s state of mind changes over time. Many managers hope that nothing bad will happen and that they’ll figure a way out if it does. But hope is a poor management plan.

Our workshop offers efficient, hands-on tools for monitoring your team members’ status and discussing their professional goals without coming off like: “Oh, our manager’s taken another course, just let him play with his new toys for a day or two…”

The workshop covers:

People’s non-linear nature: Hoping it’ll work out vs. Taking things under control

Assessing your own and your employee’s state: the Interest-Competency Matrix

The $10,000 Motivational Factor Test

When it’s time to do something about an employee’s state of mind

Five questions for discussing work goals

The specifics of introducing people tools: three scales people use to assess their superior’s actions

One-on-one meetings: the tool’s three primary objectives

Duration: 1.5–2 hours

As Tom DeMarco, a leading project management expert, once remarked, major issues of software development are human, not technical. In other words, whenever there’s more than one engineer, they are bound to face interpersonal challenges.

Our workshop analyzes several team-building concepts that explain what happens to a team in every life-cycle phase and suggest simple guidelines to team leaders: how they can propel their teams to the highest possible performance as fast as possible.

The workshop covers:

Social consequences of organizational changes in the team (introduction or dismissal of an employee, a newly-appointed manager, etc.)

Team members’ questions, expectations, and concerns related to organizational shifts

Nine universal tips to ease your transition into management

Berne’s group model

Tuckman’s team dynamics model

Orlov—Pankratov model

Litvak’s model

Team leader’s actions at each stage of team development

Coach: Alex Orlov

Duration: 1.5–2 hours

For the last 12 years, I have been exploring management tools — the all-too-common two-by-two matrices that make any team leader’s or manager’s life easier. In many people’s experience, they can be really efficient 🙂

By contrast, being an engineer, I treated things like mindfulness, coaching, and related techniques with considerable skepticism. However, when I took a one-year sabbatical and spent it trying to reimagine my entire approach to work, my skepticism somewhat faded, especially after I saw how efficient those tools could be.

And so, in the three years that followed, I took several courses in classic coaching and the Gestalt approach, participated in multiple training groups, had over 250 hours of individual practice, and considerably revised our company’s management style.

The workshop covers:

I’d like to offer eight coaching tools any manager could use:

Lack of judgment


Coaching arc

The need for words

Karpman drama triangle + process

Whose energy drives the process

Wheel of balance

Owning your experience

Duration: 1.5 hours

Analysis of cases proposed by workshop participants

The process can be organized as follows:

— Meet & greet
— Gathering expectations and cases. Setting priorities and clarifying the situations
— Workshop on one of three proposed topics
— Analyzing participants’ cases with the use/demonstration of management tools:

1. Four reasons why people don’t do something

2. Four constructiveness principles

3. Four-phase algorithm for solving people problems

4. Eighteen questions for management case analysis

5. Seven delegation levels in task setting and five control types

6. Interest-Competency Matrix

7. Five questions to discuss work goals

8. Trust-Transparency Matrix

9. Mindfulness-Competency Matrix

10. Power-Interest Matrix

11. Personality typologies: DISC, Ichak Adizes

12. Team dynamics models: Berne, Tuckman, Litvak, Orlov — Pankratov

12. Nine universal tips to ease your transition into management

13. Solution sustainability testing methods

— Experience processing and final remarks

Comprehensive training events

The roles of manager and team leader in IT (1.5 hours)

‣ Business game: My Unit a Year From Now

‣ The reasons why we focus on our unit’s work too much

‣ People as non-linear, first-order components

‣ In what ways are people non-linear?

The formula of working with people (2 hours)

‣ Tracking employees’ mental state

‣ Interest-Competency Matrix

‣ Motivational factors: the $10,000 questionnaire

‣ Conversation structure to discuss an employee’s goals: five questions

‣ One-on-one meetings

Group dynamics (2 hours)

‣ Tools for situation analysis at times of change

‣ Group dynamics laws applied to teams

‣ Tuckman’s team dynamics model

‣ Eric Berne’s group model

‣ Mammoth Team-Building Model

Feedback (1.5 hours)

‣ Feedback types

‣ Solicited feedback, unexpected feedback, etc.

‣ One-on-one meetings

Experience processing and home assignment (30 minutes)

Workshop opening remarks. Gathering expectations, problematization (30 minutes)

Resolving conflicts with colleagues (1.5 hours)

The Icy Roads Case (practicing complex, manipulative negotiation in groups of three)

Mini-lecture “Acceptable and Unacceptable Techniques in Conversation with Colleagues”

How to approach your colleagues in a challenging situation: practice.

Constructive confrontation (3.5 hours)

Constructive confrontation (3.5 hours)

Constructive confrontation algorithm





Finding arguments in challenging situations

Video analysis

Practicing constructive confrontation in pairs or groups of three

Hiring (1.5 hours)

Selection stages

Behavioral interview

Designing interview questions

Decision-making techniques

Experience processing and home assignment (30 minutes)

Duration: 3 hours TRAINING PROGRAM

Part 1 (1.5 hours)

Types of meetings. How to set the right goal for a meeting?

Preparing a meeting. Crucial things for the organizer to do

Meeting launch techniques: check-in, role distribution, a time box

How to manage group activity and timing in a meeting?

Decision-making techniques for meetings: prioritization, clusterization, and sociometry

Digital tools for remote team meetings: Miro, Stormboard, Retrospected, Mentimeter, and Padlet

Part 2 (1.5 hours)

Group analysis of the case “Meeting on the Upcoming Relocation”. Participants are expected to try out all of the techniques studied at the first session.



Online in Zoom

Theory and practical assignments


Groups of five or more

Coach Anton Savochka, program author and coach

Leader of educational projects in eight countries

Winner of the 2017 HR Brand award by HeadHunter

Author of innovative educational solutions based on microlearning, blended learning, and mobile learning

Author of “Manage Like the Best: 42 Successful Management Cases from Global Leaders” and “I Came, I Saw, I Taught: A Guide to Modern Educational Technologies” (in Russian)

Custom program coach at the Tetics Management School

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Please leave your contact details and our managers will contact you as soon as possible.